RC5 Stats     OGR Stats

Last Updated GMT:
03 Sep 2009 14:04
  Team NightBird's DC Groepje
Flush hitparade per week
Rank hostname This week Last week Diff
 1  Network static.kpn.net  31.16 T  32.85 T  -1.69 T
 2  Unknown uil  25.64 T  27.07 T  -1.43 T
 3  Unknown dodo  8.94 T  8.60 T  336.77 G
 4  US Commercial findmydouble.com  5.19 T  5.62 T  -424.31 G
 5  Unknown vergelijk  2.22 T  0.00 k  2.22 T
 6  Network no-reverse-yet-please-set-it-in-service-menu.coloclue.net  570.69 G  0.00 k  570.69 G
   73.71 T  74.13 T  -422741753.76 k
Click on the name for detailed host information.

Personal Proxy Statistics ppstats-ogr-7.1.zip v7.1.11h
Copyright (C) Kevin Pesce 1998-2000
Enhanced by Stanley Appel 2000-2001
University of Southern Maine Computer Users Group