
Last Updated GMT:
26 Sep 2002 23:59
  Team DPC
Rank Client Version Blocks Tuesday Blocks Yesterday Blocks Today Blocks Total Last Seen Percent
 1 (--) 8015 675 685 636 546285 7 hours 44.72%
 2 (--) 8010 - - - 378181 22 days 30.96%
 3 (--) 8019 2561 1922 1646 82878 3 hours 6.78%
 4 (--) 8012 - - - 68434 1+ years 5.60%
 5 (--) 8010 - - - 60683 2+ years 4.97%
 6 (--) 8007 - - - 60567 2+ years 4.96%
 7 (--) 8009 - - - 16165 2+ years 1.32%
 8 (--) 8007 - - - 8062 3 days 0.66%
 9 (--) 8016 - - - 386 72 days 0.03%
  Blocks Total 3236 2607 2282 1221641    

Personal Proxy Statistics ppstats-rc5.zip v7.1
Copyright (C) Kevin Pesce 1998, 1999

Modified by NightBird. Any remarks can be mailed to me (C) 2000-2002.